NatureNorthWest is a nature education provider for the North West of Ireland.  Catering for any group big or small, old or young, all the biodiversity/variety of nature in the region is explored.

Who we work with:

The majority of work carried out is with children’s groups, delivering hands on workshops in all of the North West’s wonderful diversity of habitats.

Family groups and adult walks are included on a regular basis with themes such as exploring the world of bats, learning different bird songs, identifying local flowers and trees amongst other nature themes.


The aim of NatureNorthWest is to show as many people as possible the wonders of the natural world and to encourage people both young and old to explore and enjoy the free spectacle of nature on their doorstep.

Who we are:

Aengus Kennedy is natureNorthWests lead guide and has worked in the area of environmental education for the last 14 years, self-employed at NatureNorthWest for the last nine.  With a previous background in outdoor pursuits followed by car sales, Aengus attended college in UCC in 2012-2014, specialising in field ecology.

Aengus currently delivers contracts for An Taisce’s Green Schools program, is a member of the Heritage in Schools Scheme, works with Leave No Trace, delivers Leaving Cert river and ecology study programs for the ETB and delivers biodiversity workshops for a number of county councils in Ireland.  Aengus has lead dozens of guided walks for adult groups in a number of different habitats.  He delivers department of education approved teacher training courses annually and has a regular nature slot on Highland radio, a local radio station in Donegal.  

Aengus has nine years experience delivering habitat studies, bird, bat and flora surveys and is a member of the Community Foundation Irelands directory of ecologists.  In the recent years Aengus has written and delivered introduction to ecology and introduction to biodiversity courses for community and environmental groups.  He recently completed a Biodiversity Action Plan Carndonagh and Culdaff Tidy Town groups.

2014-05-30 14.41.37
Freshly hatched acorn found in grass by a 4th class schoolgirl in north Donegal

From little acorns…