NatureNorthWest is currently working to the current HSE Covid 19 guidelines. Outdoor visits may be possible depending on the current level in your county. Please contact for further information.

NatureNorthWest can visit for a half day or a full day, can work with one class, two classes over the full day or a combination of classes, it’s up to you! (Above restrictions may change these services).  All themes below are flexible and adapted to the group, age and time of year.  Check out our latest video of a pollinator lesson here!

Equipment, resources and other links, click here

Learning about birds and birdsong, click here

Visits may be eligible for support from the Heritage In Schools scheme, click here to find out more.

Below is a list of links to some of the more popular themes…

Nest boxes and nest box cameras and advice can be given if required.  Please get in touch if you would like information on this topic.

Check out this video of students tricking barnacles into thinking the tide has come in!

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Please get in touch with any questions you might have.